Launch your new business in Paraguay

We can help you to find the best approach to start your venture, guiding you through the bureaucracy and providing legal advice, up to the launch of your new company.

Why choose us

A local team combined with global expertise

We’ve assisted over 90 clients to date in starting and managing their businesses in Paraguay, bringing together a team of lawyers, accountants, and tax experts to cater to all needs.

Trusted team

Just the three most experienced members of our team have a combined experience of 50+ years

Tax consulting

We will make sure that your company is optimized to make the most of Paraguay's favorable tax code

Legal assistance

We can provide assistance from our legal team of local Paraguayan lawyers to clear any doubt.


We work with a team of accredited accountants lead by professionals with 20+ years of experience.

How it works

Simplifying the process of company formation in Paraguay

Step 1

Legal assessment

To ensure we find the best way to proceed with the formation of your company

Step 2


We will help you to obtain the RUC, the document which officializes the opening of your company.

Step 3

Bank account

A serious issue for many foreign entrepreneurs doing business in Paraguay, which we can help you resolve.

If you want...


Our certified public accountants can take care of your accounting, invoicing, fiscal planning and tax optimization.

The opportunities of Paraguay are waiting for you

In less than a week, you can set up your business and start doing business in Paraguay, considered the most entrepreneur-friendly country in Latin America.